3 Alternative Treatments For Depression

Depression can take a heavy toll on your life. For some people, a combination of traditional and alternative treatment options work to help control the symptoms of the disease. Here are some of the alternative treatments you can use to complement the traditional care you are receiving from your doctor or therapist.  Sound Therapy  Researchers have discovered that stimulation to neurons with sounds can help to alleviate the symptoms of depression and even boost your mood.

HIFU: Questions And Answers About A New Medical Procedure For Prostate Cancer

When you hear HIFU, you probably have no idea what it is. When someone informs you that it is medically related, you may think that it sounds like some sort of alternative Asian medicine. In fact, HIFU is an acronym, which stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. It is the latest non-invasive treatment for prostate cancer. If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, and the cancer is localized, i.e., only your prostate is effected, then the following questions and answers will help you decide if HIFU is right for you.

Measures You Can Take To Make Your Cosmetic Dentistry Last

Over the years, cosmetic dentistry has become a staple for many people who would like to enhance their smile and overall oral wellbeing. However, getting these procedures done does not make you exempt to dental problems down the road. For most people, after spending money on this type of dentistry, you would like to ensure that the effects last for a long period of time. There would be no point in investing in your teeth only for you to have to pay subsequent visits to your dentist in the near future.

Genes and Ovarian Cancer: What Every Woman Should Know

Medical science tells us that an important relationship exists between ovarian cancer and genes. Because ovarian cancer is a potentially life-threatening disease, it's crucial for every woman to have as much information about this condition as possible. Here are some of the most important aspects of the connection between genetics and cancer of the ovaries. Specific Genes The main genes that research has identified as a risk factor for ovarian cancer are known as BRCA1 and BRCA2.

4 Ways To Naturally Remove Your Mole

When you have an unsightly mole somewhere on your body, you may want to get rid of it. Luckily, there are some things you can do at home to make sure that your mole goes away. Here are some remedies that you can use to remove your mole in a natural way. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar is a popular way to remove moles and other skin issues. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can help to break down the mole.