When it comes to menstrual cramps and bleeding, there's a wide range of what's considered to be normal. You may have heavy bleeding and intense cramps, and your best friend might breeze right through their period without so much as a cramp. Both are quite normal. However, if you always experience bad cramps and heavy bleeding, there may be more going on. Always talk to your doctor about any symptoms that you may be having. In the meantime, the following tips will help you manage your bad period.
Keep a Journal
If you think your period is abnormal, keep a journal to show to your doctor. Write down the dates that you start and make note of your symptoms each day. You may also want to keep track of how often you change your pad or tampon. If you're filling up your pad or tampon in less than 2 hours, you may have a condition called menorrhagia, or heavy bleeding. Prolonged bleeding can have health consequences, such as anemia.
Treat It Symptomatically
Treat your menstrual symptoms symptomatically. If you have severe cramps, try taking a pain reliever. If you're bloated, take a diuretic. Many menstrual-relief medications contain multiple medications to address numerous symptoms, so you may only need one medication if it's tailored for period symptoms. Over-the-counter vitamins and minerals, such as iron and vitamin C, may help you keep your energy up. You may also want to think about applying heat or an ice pack to your abdomen when your cramping is especially heavy.
Always Be Prepared
Carry plenty of supplies while you're on your period. You never know when you will need something, especially if you're bleeding heavy. In addition to extra pads, panties, and clothing, carry pain medications and anything else that makes your period more manageable.
Think About Options
There are treatment options for heavy periods. In many cases, oral contraceptives help control bleeding and lessen menstrual symptoms. If you have an underlying condition causing your issues, addressing it will help. Do not resign yourself to the fact that you have bad periods until you talk to your doctor about all of your options. You do not have to live with heavy periods.
If you always suffer from intense cramps and heavy bleeding, be sure to talk to your OBGYN about your symptoms. There may be a medical cause for your symptoms. Even if a heavy period is normal for you, there are treatment options.