Chiropractic Treatments For Chronic Neck Pain

If you have been living with chronic neck pain for some time, you may have come to assume it's normal to have the aches and pains that come with daily life. However, chiropractic intervention may help where other home remedies have been unsuccessful.  Why See a Chiropractor for Neck Pain? Research has shown that regular chiropractic care can be a very effective treatment for some types of neck pain treatment, and in some cases, more effective than medication.

Experiencing Visual Hallucinations As A Result Of Macular Degeneration

As you age, it is relatively common to experience natural vision deterioration as a result of macular degeneration or other diseases of the eye. What you may not know, however, is that anywhere from 10 to 40 percent of individuals with vision loss also experience simple or complex visual hallucinations. Whether out of fear or shame, many patients keep their hallucinations a secret and worry that they are "losing their minds" in silence, but this condition, known as Charles Bonnet Syndrome, is a visual problem and not a psychological one.

How To Decide If A Tummy Tuck Is Right For You

If you're unhappy with the way your stomach looks in a swimsuit or tight clothing, then a tummy tuck might be the answer. A tummy tuck removes excess skin in your abdomen and tightens muscles, so your abdomen is flatter and slimmer than before. This surgery can enhance your appearance and boost your self-confidence, but first you need to find out if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Here are some things to consider.

2 Bath Soaks To Help Prevent Infection After Gastric Bypass Surgery

If your doctor performs gastric bypass surgery, then your recovery time will usually be a lot faster than other weight loss surgical procedures. This happens because a gastric bypass procedure requires your doctor to make smaller cuts in your skin. These smaller cuts heal faster than larger cuts. During your recovery process, it is important to keep your wound clean and bacteria free. This will help to prevent an infection and improve your healing process.

Allergy Eyes? Follow These Dos And Don'ts When Dealing With Your Symptoms

When allergies to pollen, dust or mold spores leave your eyes red and watery, it's important to do something about it. But the wrong care can be worse than no care at all. Follow these dos and don'ts to protect your eyes when dealing with allergy-related redness and irritation. Don't: Keep wearing your contacts. If you're a contact lens wearer, take your contracts out at the first sign of allergy symptoms.